Arm your v3 bootloader upgrade grant just before final step: when all else is prepared.
Short, case-sensitive, no space, no garbage (type or paste carefully).
Any space, formatting character (or special scriptie/insert/select into/update or similar attempt) will result in not arming.
No success indication will be shown. (Upgrade will succeed if providing valid data).
If you've done the ISP (set lock=3C) step but bootloader upgrade is rejected:
post your password and serialnr above and retry bootloader upgrade from VemsTune..
If mistyped, repeat these steps (more carefully) ... a few rejected attempts are no problem.
New VT recommended: (nightly or stable)
Please read
VT help
Quick Summary:
- with ISP, set lock=3C (this requires an "internal connection", but if done OK, the rest is simple and just a few clicks)
- VemsTune Tools / Firmware / Firmware upload (the firmware upgrade wizard is not the best in this case) upload 1.1.94_bootupdate firmware
- VemsTune Tools / Firmware / bootloader upgrade wizard. This step requires internet access. You can check in a browser that your VemsTune PC reaches and says: "It works! This is the default web page for this server"
- A) With internet access on the VemsTune PC, after it automatically posts the URL to the server, the process completes within 2 seconds. Quick, convenient, easy.
- B) Without internet on the VemsTune PC (which should be done only as last resort), if manually posting the URL through another PC, carry the result .uhex file with an USB stick to VT, and complete the process without unpowering v3... So don't power off v3 after the URL has been posted to the server ! (because unpowering v3 intentionally invalidates the result ; and the server only allows one upgrade).
Obviously having internet on the VemsTune PC is much more convenient and highly recommended. (Best to do from VT, and not even try to manually download from server which does not allow any room for errors).